
Showing posts from July, 2009

yoh, Sort dict

have a problem with sorting dict by value!!! found something interesting on by Nick Coghlan let's see >>d = {'a':0,'b':1,'c':2} >>d #will get {'a':0,'c':2,'b':1} some solution from Nick >>from operator import itemgetter >>print sorted(d.items(),key=itemgetter(1)) #we get [('a':0),('b':1),('c':2)] # >>>>> a list of tuples it might be useful in the future!!!:) thank nick and activestate

Using Pydev and Eclipse for Prototyping

I'm doing a proof of concept model by using Viterbi Algorithm (cause confusing of matlabs' view and hungry to use python), By Eclipse IDE and PyDev ... Things will be like this below!!!!! *ps capture image from gimp Hope this work will be done ,soon!!!! :> and detail will come out later---:

Hello World

Hello My New Blog, We'll hav fun together :o