
Showing posts from September, 2011

Supervisord and Celery

For setting up supervisord >>> sudo pip install supervisor  note:     Please take care supersivord.conf For setting up celery >>> pip install celery For setting up rabbitmq >>> sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

Django : create migration script

Django : create migration script >>> python schemamigration --initial # for first create migration >>> python schemamigration --auto # for second and more *** folder migration will be created in Thank, Pam 

Mid night shift - with Intrastructure and Project manager

New Knowledge - Removing package   >> aptitude purge # do remove lib or package. - Be looking for pid file, because its keep pid. - Kill supervisor process and its children   >> supervisorctl -c /etc/ shutdown Thank Joe , PPam

Return Code 127

Exit codes and kill-job signals The exit code from a batch job is a standard Unix termination status, the same sort of number you get in a shell script from checking the " $? " variable after executing a command. Typically, exit code 0 (zero) means successful completion. Codes 1-127 are typically generated by your job itself calling  exit()  with a non-zero value to terminate itself and indicate an error. In BaBar we don't make very much use of this. The most common such value you might see is 64, which is the value used by Framework to say that its event loop is being stopped before all the requested data have been read, typically because time ran out. In recent BaBar releases you might also see 125, which we use as a code for a generic "severe error"; the job log should contain a message stating what the error was. Exit codes in the range 129-255 represent jobs terminated by Unix " signals ". Each type of signal has a number, and what's r...

Some Tips for setting up xampp on windows 7 ( and skype )

for command line >> netstat -a -no # look for PID which take port 80, 433 >> tasklist # match app with PID very thank for,com_myblog/Itemid,65/show,Apache-wont-start-on-XAMPP.html/