
Showing posts with the label qt4

Setup PySide

Setup PySide sudo add - apt - repository ppa : pyside sudo apt - get update   Great thanks to this ref :

Setup QT via apt-get

To setup qt4  $ sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui qt4-demos qtcreator qtcreator-dbg qtcreator-doc The demos should locate in /usr/lib/qt4/demos also examples Here is the great reference of setup qt4

Linux, change fonts for qt4 application

1. alt-f2 for call run app dialog 2. sudo qtconfig-qt4 3. lets change what u want 3. don't forget to save

change font of qt4 -application (such as skype)

i have found problem that i can't change font (thai font) in skype on fedora 12 for who havn't qt4-setting in system>>preference please use qtconfig-gq4 in commandline instead then change font to "Loma" very thank to this tread (