How to explode DEBian package file.
I wrote this because My senior need to get uwsgi ( newer version ) than registered in precise repos. At that time we found great guy Chris Lea ( ), thank chris :). But if we don't found him. I plan to explode current debian version from precise repos to see the structure and all script. Here is how to do that Get one (deb pkg) i assume uwsgi-current.deb 1. The first way Using dpkg-deb -x , you will get inside debian structure. > dpkg-deb -x uwsgi-current.deb [target-folder] Using dpkg-deb --control , you will get control files, debian control scripts. > dpkg-deb --control uwsgi-current.deb [target-folder] /DEBIAN 2. The second way, the first way can be done in short time in > dpkg-deb -R uwsgi-current.deb [target-folder]