
Showing posts from 2015

Create new user with sudo permission

Usecase: I install linux without GUI ( so it didn't provide ubuntu user ). If I want to have another with sudo permission. Let's try this be root or user with root permission >> adduser sudo because in sudoer file, said Any user in group sudo, will have permission to use sudo command ref:

Release with exrm in Elixir

Hi All :) I'm using exrm ( for releasing process. It's quite nice library. Even I don't actually know what it done behind (digging it now). Notice that some important issue is about if your application cannot start because some thing or function is invalid or cannot not load but you sure that you put it in mix.exs in deps list. So this will inform us to put it in mix.exs in applications list, too. Even i don't understand why, because in elixir's doc of mix's topic said if app implemented by use "Application" behaviour. They should be put in mix.exs application list. But chronos's code doesn't seem to implement with "Application" behaviour. Anyway i tried put it in that list, and its work!!.

The beginning of my's Elixir

Introduction I just start new job. All work I assigned about elixir. Currently, i'm working on replacing rail's service with elixir( use phoenix framework as api endpoint ). It's quite good now because I came from python's background. Elixir 's Installation - We need erlang installed [linux] sudo apt-get install erlang [osx] brew install erlang Then [linux] Goto, you may download deb file for ubuntu or whatever distro you have. [osx] brew install elixir [ping me, if i'm wrong :p] If you come to this line, let's >> mix help mix                   # Run the default task (current: mix run) mix app.start         # Start all registered apps mix archive           # List all archives mix     # Archive this project into a .ez file mix archive.install   # Install an archive locally mix archi...

Using "wget" to check web server status

Please use this # wget -O - | grep -O : indicate output filename - : send content to std output ref

Backup my kubuntu 14.10 settings

Before I get other machine, I want to thank to my x230, you're so cool!!! Style widget style : QtCurve Icon theme : numix circle Font liberation use anti-aliasing : enabled use sub-pixel  rendering : RGB hinting-style : slight Window Decorations QtCurve Desktop Theme Glaze

Connect Oracle from Django 1.7 (Linux)

Hi, today I'm gonna create new Oracle's related Project with Django 1.7.  My setup is  Kubuntu 14.10 First thing I will have to have installed oracle-client. You should download these files below from oracle website oracle-instantclient12.1-basic- oracle-instantclient12.1-devel- oracle-instantclient12.1-jdbc- oracle-instantclient12.1-odbc- oracle-instantclient12.1-tools- oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus- Then we would use 'alien', which is linux application that can convert rpm to deb. By doing this >>> sudo alien *.rpm Then use dpkg install them all >>> sudo dpkg -i *.deb Next , edit your bashrc file, by add export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64 PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib Create virtuaenv or pip to your env >>...