Dig in google-chrome #1

I tried to find why I can't type in input-textbox on some website (known later that has flash 11.3 included). Not sure but the problem gone immediately after I disable flash (some pepper version). So I decide to use flash 11.2r202 from adobe website. In tar.gz type, I discovered that google-chrome not just store files in ~/.config/google-chrome but in /opt/google/chrome as well. Seem like this is the truth solution but not event close, because my chrome does not seem to feel a new plugin (libflashplayer.so). So I try to put it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. From doing this, it's work. That's it.

** Download
install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz from adobe web. After untar we'll get
- libflashplayer.sh
- readme.txt
- usr folder

**** you should follow the instruction in readme.txt


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