9 Awesome Google features we should use [memo]

9 Awesome Google features we should use
  1. Google Flight Search
    1. usage : "flight from to
  2. Google Public Data Explorer
    1. usage : "unemployment in the u.s."
  3. Google Translate
    1. usage : "translate to "
  4. Google Nutrition Comparison Search
    1. usage : "compare broccolli and asparagus"
  5. Google Definition
    1. usage : "define "
  6. Google Convertion
    1. usage : "convert eight ounces to cups"
  7. Google nGrams : We can search how many times specific words occur.
  8. Google Sky
  9. Exclude Search Term
    1. usage : "puppies -sales" ; you don't want sites that sales in the result.

Reference  and thank to (Kim Komando - www.komando.com)


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