Try ubuntu 14.04 on my old macbook pro late 2009 (Part1)

Aha, This is what I dream for long time to get Linux on MacBookPro.

This is what I have done

Start with DVD Ubuntu 14.04

I found a loud noise of fan, so I did
    sudo apt-get install lm-sensors fancontrol
    sudo pwmconfig (don't know what this command did, but I notice nothing)
    sudo sensors-detect (last step, did allow it to auto load)

I found that I can't adjust brightness so I did
    edit /etc/rc.local
        put this
            echo '1' > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness
            echo '5' > /sys/class/backlight/apple_backlight/brightness
    for 2 steps above, I'm not sure if they work or not but I did more
        sudo nvidia-xconfig ( got invalid xorg.conf )
    then I did edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    In "Device" section, add
        Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1"
    I did reboot, then it's work like a charm


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